Wills Writing

Achieve peace of mind today

The procedure of preparing a will is something that is never easy to complete. Throughout our service we will focus on making sure that you have our friendly and caring support. We can answer any questions that you have to help you achieve peace of mind. Contact us for help and advice on wills.

Choosing the right wills for you and your partner

A will specifically for husbands and wives or civil partners is actually quite a simple will to prepare. At Boardwalk Law Office, we can offer our assistance for a number of simple wills including mirror wills. Secure your loved one's future in a few easy steps, and protect them from lengthy and difficult probate procedures.

Do you require a complex will?

Our experience ensures that we can also help you prepare much more complex wills. These could include inheritance tax planning and protection of assets. This will be especially useful in the case of second marriages and nursing home fees.

Jackson D. Mertz

Legal Assistant | jackmertz@jackmertz.com

Call For a Free Consulting +1 204-480-7530