Insurance Litigation

Insurance Litigation

It is not uncommon for disputes to occur between insurance companies and policy holders; if you are having trouble processing your claim, contact Jackson Mertz L.L.P to talk to one of our insurance litigation attorneys about your insurance claim. As a policy holder, you have the right to all benefits detailed in your policy, provided you have a record of making the premium payments on time. Our attorneys have the skill and resources to help clients successfully pursue various types of insurance claims, including:

  • Health
  • Disability
  • Automobile
  • Life
  • Property
  • Employment (ERISA)
  • Other insurance claims

Delay or Denial of Payments

Occasionally, insurance companies will delay or even deny payment of benefits to policy holders, without truly justified reasons. Unfortunately, some people simply accept the insurance company's reasoning for the delay or denial of payments and continue suffering physically, emotionally and financially without receiving the help they desperately need and deserve.

However, our experienced insurance litigation attorneys have years of experience and knowledge about how the complex insurance claim process works. We will listen to the client's story, explain the policy details, available legal options, and then, negotiate on the client’s behalf with the insurance company to help reach as quick and beneficial of a resolution as possible. This includes:

  • Determining what policies provide coverage
  • Preparing statements of loss
  • Filing the claims & all the necessary supporting documentation
  • Pursuing your claim into the courtroom

We also have extensive experience pursuing unpaid insurance claims through litigation, including bringing bad faith actions against insurers, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms.

If you are currently experiencing a dispute with your insurance company, speak with one of our attorneys today. We will fight to get the benefit payments and compensation that you deserve. For assistance with insurance matters, contact Jackson Mertz L.L.P attorneys:

Jackson D. Mertz

Legal Assistant |

Call For a Free Consulting +1 204-480-7530